Tuesday, March 1, 2011


As I walked to the store the other night to pick up a few items my kitchen was in dire need for, I happened to look down to find these. I thought, 'What a shame! They look so delicious. If it had been me, I would have taken whatever wasn't touching the ground and put them right back into the container, proudly!' (That childlike impulse to eat them overwhelmed me). However, since I wasn't the culprit who accidentally (I'm hoping) wasted this delicious looking fruit, I decided that picking them up would probably be a bad decision. So instead, I took a picture!

Then, for dinner last night, not wanting to have regular left overs (because (a) I don't have a microwave to reheat anything and (b) I just didn't want the same thing) I looked up the recipe for Broccoli Cheddar Rice Casserole. I seemed to have all the ingredients so instead of putting it in the oven, which would have taken longer and it was already getting close to 8pm, I threw it all in a pot on the stove. And might I say, it was delicious! I used last night's left overs to make a whole new dish. Yay for me!

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