When I began nannying for this family in Chicago, the mother asked me if I would be willing to read What To Expect The First Year. I of course was very willing and also allowed her to sign me up for weekly emails from a couple baby websites. All have been very informative and helpful when both she and I are looking for answers to questions such as 'How many naps should my baby really be taking?' and 'Is it normal for my baby to be spitting up so much at five months?' But something that I had not only read about in the book and online, but had also been shared with by my mother and a few friends, was the shear joy that a few certain ages would bring. First there was 3 months. I didn't quite get it until Baby Boy turned three months. It was as if over night he blossomed into a little boy who held his head up, rolled over, smiled (almost) non-stop and enjoyed talking just as much my sister and I do when we're together. Oh, and the giggling and laughing, which brought endless smiles not only to his face but to mine! As months four and five were checked off the growing up list, Baby Boy continued to develop, making more eye contact, sitting up on his own (for short amounts of times), and rolling over from back to front (something that is a difficult task for a baby). But the next big milestone for Baby Boy... The big SIX!
Six months is another magic number for those parents looking for new developments in their child. Baby Boy turns six months tomorrow, but this past weekend he and his parents skipped out early friday morning to jet off to Kansas City to visit his grandparents, which meant that I wouldn't see him for three whole days. And let me tell you, when I woke him up this morning, I barely reognized the adorable, sweet face staring up at me. Yes, it was him, his parent did not switch him out. He looked longer (taller), he definitely had more hair on the top of his cute head, but the best thing of all was that he had discovered his tongue! Babies, so I've read and heard, go through stages where they discover body parts, like their hands around 3 months (the time at which parents with long hair always have a pony-tail holder on hand, when they stop wearing dangly earrings and remove any necklaces before picking up their inquisitive child). The hands then lead to the discovery of their mouth, and the realization that you can put almost anything in it! Including, but not limited to, fists, bottles, spoons, the dog's fur (yes, still attached to the long-haired, shaggy pet), blankets, Jeanne's iPad, and of course food!
So at six months I was expecting (and still hope to expect) the discovery of feet and legs, which leads to crawling and walking, but never would I have expected the tongue! All this leads me to this morning. From the moment I woke him up he has been licking his lips, sticking it out, and turning it from side to side. Hopefully I will be able to get a video of this hysterical process of his discovery but until then here is a video to help with the image. (note to reader... this is not Baby Boy)
With all that said, my readers out there, if I have any other than my mom (shout out to her for keeping me typing!), are there any numbers and moments you remember being excited, shocked and/or thrilled about your child reaching, either early, on time, late or just randomly? Share them with me!
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