Photo credit - Pen and Paper blog
To all those who say the written word is dead, you're wrong. Tonight after changing my facebook pictures in celebration for tomorrow's College of Wooster festivities (the seniors are celebrating their victory over Independent Study), I decided it was time to pull out my button so I could wear it to tomorrow's event in Chicago. What was going to take a simple 15 seconds, changed into an hour long walk down memory lane through my two boxes of Wooster memorabilia (the word is used very lightly). It started with the button, but then ended with my graduation cards. Hit with all emotions that brought tears and laughter, I was pleasantly surprised by the number of letters, cards and simple notes I had received during my years Wooster from family and friends. Most were from my mom, dad and sister, words of encouragement, drawn pictures, a little money here and there for laundry (now only the letter remaining of course), nothing much, but it was everything to me. And as I think of those times, it could have been simpler for them to pick up the phone and say 'hi' or 'we're thinking about you', but the beauty and honor that pen and paper bring would have been lost. There is something to be said about someone who takes the time out of their oh-so busy days to write even the simplest of words. But those are the moments that hold such pleasure, to know that someone cared so much about you that they wrote you a note.
So why did I label this post 'thanks'? Because I want to share my appreciation with my friends and most importantly my family for sending me those notes every now and then. They will be something I will treasure for ever. And here's what I would like to pass on to you. Do you have someone you've been thinking of recently, or someone you haven't spoken to in a while, or just a friend you'd like to say 'hi' to? Pick up a piece of paper and a pen. It doesn't have to be fancy or expensive. It takes five minutes, but the joy felt on the other end will last much longer. And who knows, maybe one day that smile will end up right back in your mailbox. Happy writing!
I'm reaching for the catch all the good tears running down my cheeks right now. Thank you for this beautiful essay, Jeanne....AND, for those handwritten notes (and cookies and cash), "you're welcome"!!! I <3 you (and your siblings) more than words can say, and I'm glad that message comes through loud and clear!